I have heard some people say that they carry a hand gun when they are out hunting so that they can do the final kill. I ran that idea past my dad who is a very involved hunter of big game for food and he chuckled and then snorted. So did my native friend who carries a knife for that purpose. Canadian hunters don't use hand guns to kill animals.
So what your saying then because of your perilously dangerous incident hunting boar and based from that experience any kind of kind should be available to purchase to the public. ???
I've heard of experiences where a seemingly dead deer jumped up when the hunter got close to it. It's sharp horns could easily disembowel a person. You do need to take precautions and that usually involves carrying a weapon that could quickly kill the animal. A knife won't cut it under those circumstances and the rifle would be too long for a head shot when you're right by the animal.
So it's simply not about hunting with the sidearm but using it to make sure the animal is dead. Here is a range of opinions on the subject amongst hunters.